Winston-Salem, North Carolina - Nutritionists at Krispy Kreme Doughnuts have discovered a promising side-effect that could help cure the obesity epidemic in the US. Apparently, eating only a few sprinkles from the top of a doughnut triggers a natural reaction in the body that leads to 'ketosis' (or the same effect that can be seen in low-carbohydrate diets).
"This is a very exciting breakthrough!" exclaimed Lead Nutritionist Augustus Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann-Gloop.
Krispy Kreme stock rose almost immediately, thereby restoring confidence among Wall Street investors. The company also began an advertising campaign marketing its new concept with t-shirts that read: "Similia Similibus Curentur" in some foreign language means "Likes Are Cured By Likes".
Meanwhile, dozens of gastric bypass specialists are outraged and have threatened to sue Krispy Kreme.