Antarctica's 'Grand Canyon' eclipsed as Atlantis geologists discover frozen continent's very own 'Mount Rushmore'

Funny story written by queen mudder

Thursday, 16 January 2014

image for Antarctica's 'Grand Canyon' eclipsed as Atlantis geologists discover frozen continent's very own 'Mount Rushmore'
Gives you an idea of the size

Washington DC - Geologists chipping away at the icy incontinent's secrets have announced that sonar-generated subterranean images of a huge ice sculpture - dubbed the 'frozen Mount Rushmore' - effectively prove the existence of an advanced parallel civilization linked to the fabled Atlantis.

"The discovery easily trumps last week's find of a massive sub-glacial trench in West Antarctica," a spokesperson for the American Glaciology Institute commented, "which Atlantisologists have likened to the Grand Canyon."

Excited researchers say the Shackleton Ridge circle of ten 100ft ice carvings depicting 5th century BC Antarctic giants bears an uncanny resemblance to Mount Rushmore National Mammorial, the polyandrous rock tribute to famous American women.

Antarctic giant bears?

"Images posted on the web show huge individual carvings echoing the faces of prehysteric rock giants found on nearby Easter Island," the spokesperson explained, "a well known former Atlantean trading and diplomatic outpost."

Major scientific excavations by a UNESCO World Heritage team are expected to take place in the region later this year when the Antarctic summer returns for a brief eight week window.

The dig will see millions of dollarsworth of high tech burrowing equipment seconded from the US fracking industry penetrate the Antarctic permafrost ahead of sending down cameras and other cutting edge gizmos.

Other parallel civilization sites - such as an early 10th century BC Stonehenge - are also suspected of lying beneath the frozen wastes.

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