NEW YORK CITY - Donald Trump recently stated at one of his board of directors meetings in the Trump Tower that the Polar Vortex is nothing to sneeze at.
He remarked that he is placing total blame for the dreaded PV on Al Gore.
Trump stated that Al Gore spent so much time messing around with Global Warming that his experiments somehow got their wires crossed and he ended up disturbing the molecular elements found in the North Pole's Polar Vortex.
The man known as The Birther went on to say that he definitely wants to see Al Gore's birth certificate.
When Gore was told about Trump's accusatory comments he simply shook his head and responded by saying, "Well let me just say that there is now scientific evidence that the fake strands from Trump's horrendous toupee have begun to shed some of their follicle fibers and they have managed to work their way into Trump's so-called brain."
SIDENOTE: Gore pointed out that if Donald Trump' hairpiece and John Travolta's hairpiece mated the offspring would look like skunk roadkill.