Midland, Texarse - "Some folks been making that assumption for years," a spokesperson for the George Bush Senior Foundation said as Mandela's tweet caused havoc on the blogosphere today, "probably just a rumor started by the Washington Toast."
Nonagenarian South African ex-statesman Mandela is said to be mortified after mistakenly announcing 89 year-old former US President Bush 's death in a tongue-in-cheek message posted this morning.
It's resulted in Bush Sr's home being inundated with condolence calls asking about 'last night's tragic events' which have widowed Barbara Bush and left four little Bushie brats without a Pa.
"Easy enough mistake to make, heh heh," a nurse at Mandela's palliative care hospital ward commented, "what with all that constant TV coverage of President Bush's recent hospital stays followed by them wheelchair shots..."
Tonight Bush Sr has been described as chipper and full of it as family friends chuckled at Barbara's latest wedding anniversary present to her husband of 69 years:
Apparently it's yet another parachute jump high above the Appalachians but minus the obligatory safety harness to an experienced companion sky diver.
Laura Welch Bush is 104.