BOSTON - The Boston City Council has just passed a city bill which will limit the size of soft drink cups to just 6 ounces.
Councilwoman Harriet S. Dilleyweiser, 59, stated that the vote was 9 to 4 in favor of going to the smaller drinking cup.
Mrs. Dilleyweiser was asked by Tilapia Frisbee with The Right Coast Revue why the Boston City Council felt that they needed to go from the customary 32 ounce drink down to the 6 ounce drink.
She smiled and replied that it was to cut down on the sugar intake which has been clinically linked to things such as hyperactivity in senior citizens, the pogo stick effect on grade school kids, and spurts of hair growth on the tongue.
Miss Frisbee asked her if the move was made due to the fact that the Boston City Council just did not want to be outdone by New York City Mayor Mike "No Big Gulp" Bloomberg.
The councilwoman began giggling and said that she had to admit that a majority of the council members, but not her, did indeed adhere to that very belief.
In Other News. Reports are that high ranking members of the Taliban and Al Qaeda have stated that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is one chubby, little crazy son of a bitch.