Obama and Pizza Hut Talks Break Down

Funny story written by El Presidente

Thursday, 21 June 2012

A crisis was today declared after negations between President Obama and Pizza Hut broke down late last night after the two parties failed to agree on a unilateral delivery schedule and validity of coupons the President found in the kitchen drawer, the one below the cutlery drawer, where he keeps flyers and junk mail.

Talks began positively, with the President making his normal order of a Family Size deep dish, topped with mushrooms, beef and onions and a bottle of coke. Gail, the Pizza Hut reprehensive entered the order into her system and it seemed that a deal had been struck.

However complications arose when Obama stated he had a $5 off coupon.

Gail asked the President if he would read her the promotion code on the coupon, the President it appears was unwilling to do this, citing that he had the coupon and it clearly stated $5 off and the kid who delivered the pizza could verify this when he arrived.

It was then that talks broke down.

Gail, unable to process the $5 off coupon on "her system" was forced to cancel the order, leaving the President, frustrated, angered and extremely hungry.

Efforts are afoot between representatives of both parties and It is hoped that talks will resume this evening.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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