US pulls out of Iraq for a happy finish

Funny story written by MonkeyInTheBath

Sunday, 18 December 2011

After years of pounding away at Iraqi insurgents, the US army is finally withdrawing from the country, leaving it quivering and breathless. It is hoped that the withdrawal will not cause too much of a power vacuum, and that Iraqis will be able to pull themselves together and enjoy a peaceful cigarette.

It was back in 2001 when George Bush Junior ordered the invasion of Iraq, leading to worldwide condemnation. However, some Iraqis admitted that they did enjoy being invaded and didn't even mind the rough treatment.

As the years went on and the US troops continued to penetrate the country, Iraq began to suffer convulsions. There was friction between the sides, and US forces were squeezed tightly at times. Iraq is a very dry country and it can often be hard to please.

But then the production of oil began again, and the precious liquid was soon flowing profusely out of the country. This was facilitated by vigorous American pumping.

Now, Obama has promised that US troops will finally withdraw and come all over the country, to celebrate what has been a difficult but satisfying war.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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