President McAleese Gives Enda Kenny the Seal of Office

Funny story written by St Patrick

Thursday, 10 March 2011

image for President McAleese Gives Enda Kenny the Seal of Office

President Mary McAleese yesterday presented Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny with his seal of office.

Borrowed from nearby Dublin Zoo, Otto the Sea Lion balanced a ball on the tip of his nose and splashed about in the presidential Jacuzzi as Kenny struggled to contain the slippery beast.

President McAleese got a right good soaking, but she didn't let that ruin the solemn occasion as she stripped off and leapt into the pool in the nip.

Rising to the occasion -literally - Enda Kenny then got in a bit of a party mood as he tore off his underwear and joined her and Otto for a threesome.

McAleese's cuckold husband Martin stood idly by as he watched his wife straddle a Sea Lion and suck on Enda's toes underwater.

They whole event recalled the days when President Paddy Hillary and then doddery old Taoiseach Garret Fitzgerald would ride each other around on the Aras lawn - or as they called it 'the Arse lawn'.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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