
Funny satire stories about Chips

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Funny story: Triple Cooked Chips are so yesterday

Triple Cooked Chips are so yesterday

So popular in 2019, Triple Cooked Chips, like Hipsters are now a thing of the past, says a renowned expert. Patio Tulips, a Hipster since it became briefly fashionable to drink beer out of Jam Jars said in his book Man, that was so Yesterday 'Trip…

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Funny story: A Shell Gasoline Station in Fargo, North Dakota Has The Cheapest Priced Gas In The Entire USA

A Shell Gasoline Station in Fargo, North Dakota Has The Cheapest Priced Gas In The Entire USA

FARGO, North Dakota – (Spoof News) - Gasoline Prices Magazine is reporting that a Shell Gasoline Station in Fargo is selling gasoline for 13 cents a gallon. When asked how in the world they can sell gas so cheap, when every other gas station in Am…

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Funny story: Pumpkin Chips Were Even Tastier Than Onion Chips!

Pumpkin Chips Were Even Tastier Than Onion Chips!

A man who, only last week, revealed that some onion chips he purchased and ate during a roadside stop on the way home from a market were "delicious", has now said that a packet of pumpkin chips he bought a few days later were even more tasty than the...

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Funny story: A Bag Of Chips Could Be £3 After Brexit

A Bag Of Chips Could Be £3 After Brexit

The price of a bag of chips from a local fish and chip shop is likely to rise to £3 after Britain leaves the EU, voters have been warned, a revelation that struck fear into the hearts of the underclasses. The Prime Minister, Theresa May, told repo...

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Funny story: John Cooper Clarke's Flogging Oven Chips

John Cooper Clarke's Flogging Oven Chips

John Cooper Clarke's Flogging Oven Chips I was watching telly. ITV When a familiar voice jumped out at me A Mancunian accent from the past A cigarette-induced breathless rasp The name of the poet was on my lips John Cooper Clarke was flogging oven chips I couldn't believe it. I listened again The sponsor of the sacrilege was Mr McCain Not the US politician from the Christian right Bu...

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Funny story: Potatoes usher in the next age of computing

Potatoes usher in the next age of computing

Potatoes may not seem the most technological of food stuffs, with aubergines seeming more advanced, but a breakthrough at the University of Manchester's Institute of Science and Technology has propelled the humble spud into the limelight of technolog...

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Funny story: COO melamine aspartame scare smokes out secret bar code chip implants for the elite

COO melamine aspartame scare smokes out secret bar code chip implants for the elite

GENEVA, Switzerland - Hot on the heals of the country of origin (COO) secret melamine bar code revelation comes an even more shocking cover-up than last reported. "Not fair", is the plaintive cry of industry associations in response to revelatio...

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Funny story: Hurrah! It's National Chip Week!

Hurrah! It's National Chip Week!

Buoyant Britain this week celebrates National Chip Week - that is 'chips' as in deep fried potato chunks, as opposed to what our American friends call 'chips' - which are actually 'crisps.' Our chips are the kind of deep fried delicacy one might asso...

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Funny story: Isle of Wight News - Arson suspected in chippy fire

Isle of Wight News - Arson suspected in chippy fire

Hopeless Street chip-shop in Ventnor is the centre of a police investigation after a fire broke out there at 10:30pm Monday morning. Regular Isle of Wight News readers, and even some of those with constipation, will recall our recent survey to fin...

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Funny story: Wedding couple each chips

Wedding couple each chips

Pencer and Ms NacFayden have been allowed to eat chips again - A groom-to-be has been allowed to eat chips again after a McCains dropped its law suit over him buying from his local chippy. Nobert Pencer, 13, from Yerth, was banned from contacting...

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Funny story: Nuclear sub was delivering chips

Nuclear sub was delivering chips

The Commander of Le Triomphante, a French SNLE-NG class nuclear submarine, had visited Blackpool on holiday, where he had tasted the well-known English delicacy, fish and chips. After his first bite of a real English chip he was heard to say "Mon Die...

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Funny story: Man With World's Largest Frying Pan And Woman With World's Largest Maris Piper Make Heavenly Chips

Man With World's Largest Frying Pan And Woman With World's Largest Maris Piper Make Heavenly Chips

Twas a journalist's dream. Today, the man with the world's largest frying pan met the woman with the world's largest Maris Piper, and the results were HOT! HOT! HOT! Albie There, owner of the world's only six-foot frying pan met up with Yes Yes Oh...

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Funny story: French Claim their Frites are an Inch Longer than American Fries

French Claim their Frites are an Inch Longer than American Fries

Mont Penis Blanc, France - A recent survey of tubers worldwide has concluded there are considerable regional differences in the length of spuds. The study was conducted by the German Institute of Stem Research. Dr Willie Limp, chief investigator e...

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Funny story: Scientists discover new brain food, Cheetos

Scientists discover new brain food, Cheetos

Scientists have discovered a new brain food, Cheetos. Researchers were tipped off after President Bill Clinton's former Treasury secretary, Lawrence Summers admitted to wolfing down Cheetos by the bag full. "Our hope is that this study will lead...

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Funny story: Quavers Crisps fail musical test

Quavers Crisps fail musical test

In a similar breaking story, busy research scientist Mike Geek also revealed some other secrets about our food-stuffs. 'You see' he ranted to anyone within ear-shot 'Quaver's failed every musical test we gave them, except for the ones in crispness...

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Funny story: Monster Munch contains no Monster

Monster Munch contains no Monster

Scientists in Minnesota have proven beyond almost all doubt that Monster Munch actually contains no Monster. Mike Geek from the Institute of undeniable Facts said: 'We thought Monster Munch contained Monster, or at least trace elements of them. No...

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Funny story: Presidential candidate McCain reveals new vote winner

Presidential candidate McCain reveals new vote winner

Senator John McCain received a huge pre election boost when it was revealed that his latest line of oven chips were the healthiest yet. "The fat content is at an all time low and even the packaging is bio-degradeble" said Senator McCain."I am also...

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