'Oh God, not more bloody leaks!' chimed the newsroom of a well known newspaper.
'It is bad enough getting the 5 million words from Wikileaks. Now we are getting coded messages from Spoof to work out. We can't afford to ignore any of this. When will it stop?'
Wikileaks founder Julius le Gange is annoyed at rival Spoof revelations. 'How did they break into the codes. We had an insider helping us, who is helping them?'
It was the question circulating in the highest Government circles. 'We think we know who leaked to Wikileaks' said a CIA operative 'but Spoof sources are unknown to us. Our world of espionage is fatally injured. We have seen already how much they know - no flying saucers for instance and the profile of Clegg was practically word for word how our ambassador wrote it!'
Spoof is not alarmed and ready to publish more sensational information. We shall soon know the background on how Britain got to stage the World Cup in 2018.