Prince William's secret marriage plans revealed

Funny story written by whatinthe world

Saturday, 20 November 2010

image for Prince William's secret marriage plans revealed
One of Will's love letters

London, England. The press are eagerly embarking on a feeding frenzy since it was revealed that the recently engaged to be married Prince William has secretly proposed to about twenty other women including Victoria Beckham, Emily Watson and, surprisingly, Dame Judy Dench.

The source of this story, as usual unnamed, is a well known gay pop identity who is friends with the Prince's father and used to love dressing up in exotic costumes. He says that William sent letters to many of these women indicating his desires and each missive ended with a marriage request.

It is believed that at least two of the female celebrities responded affirmatively. The Prince's secretary has been fending off media speculation that the marriage to Kate Middleton will now be cancelled. "Its all horses..t" he responded.

A spokesperson for Dame Judy Dench said that she would like nothing more than to become a member of the Royal family.

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