Brown goes crazy

Funny story written by whatinthe world

Friday, 6 August 2010


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Mr Brown explains his neurotic reaction

London, England. Former UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, plans to apear naked atop Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square. The former premier claims that the stunt will be his final act of retribution for his electoral loss several months ago.

Brown, in the midst of a severe bout of self loathing, wants to show his disgust (among other things) at the way voters summarily abandoned him and his party for the reactionary forces on the other side of Parliament. "If the British people are so adamant that we had to go, then bollocks to the lot of them" Mr Brown said today while announcing his controversial plan. The former PM emphasised that he will go the "full Monty" when he ascends the famous landmark.

The international reaction was mixed with the American President, Barack Obama, issuing a no comment and French President Nicholas Teacosy expressing surprise at Brown's behaviour. Russian Prime Minister Putin was more free spirited and gave a big "da" to Brown's venture.

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