Tony and Cherie laugh off 'imminent police raid' rumors

Funny story written by queen mudder

Monday, 24 May 2010

image for Tony and Cherie laugh off 'imminent police raid' rumors
Slipping the Chief Constable fifty quid on a regular basis has been the secret of Blair's success

London - (Portents): Dulcet strains of The Godfather theme song 'Speak Softly Love' were heard wafting across Connaught Square this afternoon amid rumors that Tony and Cherie will be busted in the morning.

Inside their end-of-terrace mansion the Blairs have been putting on the usual show of Camorra untouchability as a gleeful media continued to excoricate daftass sponger Sarah, Duchess of York.

Meanwhile half a mile down the road the Met's Serious & Disorganised Crime Agency official tarot reader has been shitting bricks.

All month long his psychic card readings have been besieged with spreads showing Justice/Death/The Queen of Swords/The Hanged Man and The World (Is Not Enough).

But Scotland Yard's omerta-like response has continued to baffle and perplex.

In 2007 when he was still UK Prime Monster Tony Blair's 'gatekeeper' Ruth Turner card reading showed The Tower and The Fool - just days before she was raided in a 6am police bust over the disgusting Cash-for-Honors scam.

She has since carved a bit of a niche for herself as the Blair Foundation's two hundred grand-a-year fixer despite having all the qualifications of a Job Centre nark.

Spotted having dinner at The Fat of the Land with Prince Andrew last week Turner looked like she was having a ball.

Princess Beatrice and Eugenie are nothing more than cheapskate doppelgangers shooed-in for the sake of appearances.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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