Government Introduces New Collectable Cigarette Packets

Funny story written by carina-eta

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

image for Government Introduces New Collectable Cigarette Packets
Vote Labour-What The Hell!

Today the "Government" has introduced collectable cigarette packets for the first time, following the success of packets with written warnings of impending doom such as, "smoking kills."

The new, more colourful, packets will have pictures of crippled sperm, corpses, liver spots and close-ups of cancers.

The new collectable cigarette packets, which fall into the category of "tobacciana" are expected to increase sales amongst avid collectors of the genre.

The "Government" today speculated that if the horrific pictures cause a huge sales boost they may try using the same techniques on the Labour Party, starting with a poster campaign picturing Gordon Brown's liver spots, blackened gums, cancerous policies and corpse-like manifesto's.

A "Government" spokesman said today, "We are considering the tagline, 'Britain's dying anyway, go on, buy some fags'."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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