British police march in protest at "three pigs" story

Funny story written by Everyman

Wednesday, 23 January 2008


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image for British police march in protest at "three pigs" story
Police force march to complain about story about pigs

The British Police force marched en masse today in London to protest at the teaching in schools of the "three little pigs" story, after it was declared "too offensive".

"This story is offensive on so many levels" A spokesperson for the Police Federation said."Muslims might feel slighted, builders are also targeted but we all know that this is an out and out attack on the police. Oh yes and we should be paid more."

A record 22,500 policemen and women took part in the march in London to complain about the tale. "What next a story with 'the fuzz' or 'the filth' in the title? This just undermines the public's faith in the Police."

A reporter from this website asked whether shooting dead an innocent Brazilian in Stockwell tube station was perhaps a tad more damaging than this fairy tale. Apparently the injuries the reporter sustained shortly after posing the question were the result of falling down the stairs.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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