London - AssoCIAted Mess): Over 250,000 police officers are marching on Whitehall today in a protest against the mobster rule of Gorgon Brown, Ken Livingstone, Amy Whorehouse, the Northern Crock and the Puppet Monarch.
Amid scenes of unprecedented chaos anti-terrorism colleagues and Metropolitan Police demo/crowd control teams have refused to assume normal duties monitoring and escorting the London demonstration.
Some reports indicate that aggrieved demonstrators are armed with rotten eggs, tomatoes and flour bombs, ready to pelt Gorgon Brown's official limousine when he arrives for his weekly Prime Monster's Question Time at the Commons today.
At an emergency session of COBRA this morning MoD officials told Brown that it was no use asking for the army to assume crowd control measures in Whitehall "because the MoD no loner knows who works for them following the theft of 69 official laptops holding personnel details".
"Basically, Prime Minister, you are screwed," a COBRA top brass honcho said today.
"Cough up the cops' backdated or barricade yourself in at No 10."
Kate Middleton is in hiding.