The outrage over my article in last week's ‘Daily Shame' describing Arabs as "gay wife beaters", "nursery bombers" and "pension-stealin', benefit-defraudin', child-killin' towel heads" caused "offence" with some jumped-up rogues in the Government. I must strongly defend my right to free speech.
Journalistic Responsibility, Schmesponsibility
As a highly respected journalist and political commentator, the right to pass comment, offend and judge anybody I choose is my imperative. Nay, it is my raison d'etre.
If journalists like myself must answer to "taste" for every column inch of output, then this pillar of our society will be destroyed.
Therefore, my much maligned headline "Go Home Bin Ladens" strengthened our democracy, and did not weaken it.
The People Want My Opinions
Was there a similar outrage during my exposés of the real truth about Gareth Gates, Tania from Big Brother or Big Bird?
No. As the recent 3.7% increase in circulation figures for the ‘Shame' has demonstrated, those ‘character assassination' style articles were welcomed by society.
My piece on the Arab Problem was simply an expansion of that premise, a style of opinion-writing my editor likes to call ‘character genocide'.
Racism - PC Gone Mad
The so-called problem of racism is a typical example of the way society has been totally blinded by political correctness and that common sense is virtually outlawed.
Given that there is hard evidence - a recent opinion poll that said 34% of people believe Arabs to be plotting suicide bombings in the UK - how can it be argued that dispensing with the UK's Arab population is not an acceptable solution?
I said in my article "common sense says expelling Arabs back to where they came from is the sensible approach". However, the PC mob denies this fact because they do not wish to offend Jonny Foreigner. It is political correctness gone mad!
A Crime?
The thought that by simply writing what I think I could be committing a crime is frankly ludicrous! How dare the government make a crackpot law on racism just to protect a minority in society? Democracy must serve the majority!
Mind you, it's not as ludicrous as the idea that a newspaper article can ‘incite racism'. Ever heard of the phrase "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me", Mr Blair?
I think that our Government and society as a whole should stop persecuting me for having such common sense views.
I end with this final point…
The government should spend less time trying to stop common sense journalists like me, and instead tried to develop a solution to the Arab problem.