President Putnick of Russia has been outspoken about events in the Ukraine - he told our Moscow Spoof correspondent, Nicolai Kronsdat, that 'Russia cannot approve the overthrow of a Government by a mob of demonstrators.'
When our man in Moscow reminded Putin that the Russian Government was established after a mob of demonstrators had overthrown the Government in 1917 he was removed. We only had his report when a toilet roll was delivered to us by a sprightly Pussy.
Another of our overseas team which is based in the Crimea asked an army Captain if the Russian troops were invading the Ukraine. 'We are not committing any crime 'ere' he joked 'the President of the Ukraine has asked us to take over this area of his country'.
'But he was deposed after slaughtering his own people and running away!' cried our Spoofer.
'No' replied the Russian Captain 'he came to Russia for consultations and he apologised for not killing enough of his own people. We shall soon put that right.'