Scouts at the 12th Blackpool Scout Troop near Blackpool have all shown their ingenuity by recycling discarded rubbish to make a variety of bongs.
"I'm very pleased with my lads," said scout leader, Clover Garlic. "Some of the designs have been quite ingenious."
The official title of the badge is the Recycle and Reuse badge, but it does not specify what is to be recycled and reused into what. It was decided to let the scouts decide what to create out of the pile of rubbish that was collected along the streets of Blackpool. Thirty-two of the thirty-three scouts fashioned a variety of bongs, saving them a combined total of just over six hundred pounds in buying new bongs. The thirty-third scout fashioned a meth lab from a cracked bucket, driftwood and some chemicals he found propping a door open in North Shore.
"The general design of the bongs involved plastic bottles and pipes from some scaffold that was found propped up against a house," said Garlic. "I'm not sure that was discarded, judging from the shouts from the roof. One of the scouts found a length of plastic tubing that let him turn his bong into a hookah. Very clever."
The badges were handed out in a foggy scout hut.
"Normally," said Garlic, "these events are pretty rowdy. As you would expect with over thirty young boys in one room. Not this time, they were all relaxed and quiet. We're thinking of doing something similar for our drug awareness badges."
On a side note, the meth lab has made enough money for the whole scout troupe to go to Amsterdam for their sex education badge.