
Funny satire stories about Scouts

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Funny story: The British Parliament to Debate Name Change for The Beaver Scouts Organization

The British Parliament to Debate Name Change for The Beaver Scouts Organization

LONDON – (UK News) – The British Parliament has agreed to debate a motion that the Beaver Scouts Organization should change their name. Reporter Loretta Piffinshaw with Ta Ta For Now News, stated that the matter was addressed at the behest of her…

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Funny story: Boy Scout's Diabolical Plot To Corner Girl Scout Cookie Market Revealed

Boy Scout's Diabolical Plot To Corner Girl Scout Cookie Market Revealed

ONLY IN AMERICA - The Boy Scouts of America last week announced that it would allow girls to participate in Cub Scouts and eventually earn the coveted Eagle Scout rank. A spokesperson said: "Families today are busier and more diverse than ever. Most...

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Funny story: Woody Allen Knocked Out By Girl Scout

Woody Allen Knocked Out By Girl Scout

Apparently Comic, Movie Star, Writer Woody Allen was knocked out by a girl scout Monday as he refused to buy her cookies and made some mumbled remarks about what he thought about girl scouts and their cookies. "There was this funny man Monday morn...

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Funny story: Colorado Girl Scouts Hold Huge Protest Rally Outside of Marijuana Dispensary

Colorado Girl Scouts Hold Huge Protest Rally Outside of Marijuana Dispensary

Denver, CO As the Colorado Girl Scouts of America organization announced a ban on selling cookies outside of marijuana dispensaries, thousands of Girl Scouts around the nation showed up in Denver to protest. They gathered in the area outside of the l...

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Funny story: Girl Scout Sets Up Cookie Stand Outside of Pot Shop - Sells Out In 5 Minutes

Girl Scout Sets Up Cookie Stand Outside of Pot Shop - Sells Out In 5 Minutes

BOULDER, Colorado - Little Boulder Girl Scout Brandy Valdesti, 12, has to be one of the most enterprising youngsters in the entire United States. Brandy had a total of 20 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies to sell and she decided to set up a table right...

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Funny story: Girl Scouts & Moms Battle Fat Women Going To Weight Watchers

Girl Scouts & Moms Battle Fat Women Going To Weight Watchers

Knoxville, Tennessee. Police were called out to the Kingston Pike this afternoon after getting frantic calls from several sources that a fight was taking place near the Weight Watchers Center as some big women were battling some girl scouts and their...

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Funny story: Felix Baungartner's record broken less than a week after he risked his life - by scouts

Felix Baungartner's record broken less than a week after he risked his life - by scouts

The seventeenth and three-quarter scout troop of Fleetwood, a tram stop in Blackpool, have beaten Felix Baungartner's death defying leap from a balloon 120,000 feet up in the air. "We applied a little bit of maths," said scout troupe leader, Arthu...

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Funny story: My life as a man #09

My life as a man #09

The last Boy Scout Ordinarily, being the strong, silent type of guy I am, I do not complain about my life. My life has its ups and downs, but the mountains aren't too tall-the valleys not too deep. I'm an Aquarius, a water sign. I have high tides; I have low tides. The human body is mostly made up of water; yet a walk through the ocean of my mind would scarcely get your feet wet. I'm no...

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Funny story: Scouts launch the Bear Grylls Enterprise Badge

Scouts launch the Bear Grylls Enterprise Badge

With the news that Bear Grylls is using his position as head scout to make as much money as he can for himself before he is stripped of the title, the Scout movement have decided that this is actually a good enterprise for the Scouts to get involved...

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Funny story: Scouts to only accept blue eyed blond youth of Aryan descent!

Scouts to only accept blue eyed blond youth of Aryan descent!

The Super Scouts of USA in a late night meeting yesterday voted to only accept new members who have blue eyes and blond hair. Current members who are not of this description will be asked to turn in their uniforms, merit badges, and to never give the...

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Funny story: Scouts burn down forest with Olympic Torch

Scouts burn down forest with Olympic Torch

Scouts from the 3.17th Fylde Troop near Blackpool were given the honour of passing the torch through Lytham St Annes, a stretch of thirty miles that took it through the historic Halfbaked Woods. Each of the thirty strong team of scouts carried the...

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Funny story: Scouts earn their bong badge

Scouts earn their bong badge

Scouts at the 12th Blackpool Scout Troop near Blackpool have all shown their ingenuity by recycling discarded rubbish to make a variety of bongs. "I'm very pleased with my lads," said scout leader, Clover Garlic. "Some of the designs have been qui...

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Funny story: Councils urge the elderly to pay for snow removal

Councils urge the elderly to pay for snow removal

After the weekend's heavy snowfalls claimed the lives of five elderly residents in the UK, councils are urging their elderly relatives to pay for snow clearing rather than attempt it themselves. "Snow is quite heavy," said councillor, Rob Roberts...

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Funny story: Kate Middleton to become a Scouser for new reality show

Kate Middleton to become a Scouser for new reality show

The Duchess of Cambridge is to become a volunteer helper at her local scouse group as part of a new package of royal patronages. Kate will wear the Scouse Association's distinctive red luis suarez t-shirt, scarf and famous 1980s permed wig as she...

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Funny story: Scouts attempt to enter the record books

Scouts attempt to enter the record books

The 3.14159th scout troupe from Lytham St Annes in Blackpool are attempting to get into the record books by circumnavigating Google. "We're planning on starting with all the sites in the UK," said trope leader, Arthur "Clover" Garlic. "We'll visit...

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Funny story: Camping skills on the way out for scouts as badges for recycling and gaming are considered

Camping skills on the way out for scouts as badges for recycling and gaming are considered

Camping skills on the way out for scouts as badges for recycling and gaming are considered It's sad to see the 'old ways being kicked to the curb' but if Scouting is to continue, it has to be brought up to date. One way of moving the Scouting mov...

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Funny story: Scout Leader rapped for losing scouts

Scout Leader rapped for losing scouts

Scout Leader, Arthur "Clover" Garlic, was rapped yesterday for losing his entire troop of scouts. The 3 and 1/3rd Lytham St Annes troop in the Fylde district were out on an orienteering course to earn their Homing Pigeon badges, however, only one...

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