The World Champion Miami Heat Get Beaten By The Washington Wizards And Thus Let The #1 Seed Get Away

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

image for The World Champion Miami Heat Get Beaten By The Washington Wizards And Thus Let The #1 Seed Get Away
Wizards Head Coach Randy Wittman was given the game ball for drawing up some fantastic plays at halftime.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The fans of the Washington Wizards saw their hometown team play the spoiler as they defeated the world champion Miami Heat 114-93.

Sporting Chance Magazine's Hercules Confetti pointed out that by the Heat losing the game they also lost being the first seed and having home court advantage throughout the playoffs.

Heat Coach Eric Spoelstra did not play two of his top stars LeBron James (#6) or Chris Bosh (#1).

When asked why he replied that LeBron had a wisdom tooth that was hurting him and Chris said that he had cut himself shaving earlier and it was itching like crazy.

Washington Wizards player Trevor Ariza (#1) scored 25 points and pointed out that he was thrilled to be able to beat the world champs.

Meanwhile, the other Trevor on the team Trevor Booker (#35) scored 8 points and said that he really appreciated Coach Randy Wittman allowing him to eat two hot dogs and some cotton candy during the halftime break because he had not eaten anything since breakfast.

SIDENOTE: The Indiana Pacers were very happy to hear that the Heat lost because that gives the Indiana boys the first seed in the NBA Eastern Conference. The team took up a collection and they will be sending it ($2,931) to the Wizards to be divided equally between the players and coaches.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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