Apple has recently unveiled their new product in their successful iPad range. Called the iBrick, the device is 30 feet long.
The new device is set to give customers the best way to experience new technology and make their everyday life more easier. The reason for its large size is simply to minimise the risk of the device being stolen - a big negative factor of the two previous iPad versions.
While the form-factor has changed dramatically, early adopters will be pleased to learn that interaction with the iBrick is identical to other iPads. The iBrick sports a capacitive touch screen which offers multi touch functionality. Given its large footprint however, users will have to perform a bare-foot long-jump across the screen to activate the apps.
There is a wide variety of apps available for the device. One launch title is the "Coin Dropper" app: users can simulate coins cascading from the top of the screen to the bottom by simply tilting the device. The only drawback is that users will likely need a crane to take the device beyond the necessary 45 degree tilt angle.
Another app which comes preloaded with the device is the World Weather App. The app lets you know what the weather is like in any country by pointing the iBrick towards it. The only slight niggle is that to move the device around requires the strength of several Scottish rugby players.
And finally there's Symphonic Maestro app. Strategically pressing on the screen allows you to compose some of the most beautiful and awe inspiring music ever heard by man. Unfortunately to being any music piece requires the user to simultaneously tap on each side of the screen.
All in all, I would thoroughly recommend this and think the £9,678 is money well spent.