A study conducted by the World Health Organization has revealed that most men in China are not aware of the fact that female breasts were meant for breast-feeding infants.
Only 2 percent of respondents had any knowledge of female anatomy assuming that female breasts were exclusively put there for the purpose of inadequate male fo'pray.
Hao Yu La-Fing a 25-year old self admitted"sex-mariak" [sic] confessed he didn't really know what fo-pray really was. He winked and said:
"I fink maybe it mean I pray not to roose my sma' male election when making comfortabre position with all femare...maybe fo' 1-2 minutes I be a man!"
The survey also revealed that 118% of Chinese men watched pirated Japanese manga films as part of their 'sex education' as the China People's Party prefers to keep its robotic-obedient citizens anatomically ignorant.