Despite the controversial nature of the desire, some Asians have long longed for the round eyes of westerners. Surgery and injections have been employed to try and remedy the slated eye appearance of easterners. To the shock and awe of plastic surgeons, dermatologists and Oriental Occidentophiles, Asian audiences at the Olympic Beach Volleyball venue have been displaying wide open eyes!
Chinese acupuncturist, Dr I. William Americanize-U told the spoof. bigot that if he didn't see it with his own surgically altered eyes he would not believe it. The newly rounded eye effect is being called "The Misty May" and the Asian world is clamoring for Beach volleyball competitions throughout the Far East.
Opponents of the treatment point out that the Misty May Effect only lasts a few hours after the match. Supporters mock their response by saying:
"What a pity! We will have to go to see Beach Volleyball again and again!"