Planets Stand Still - Steven Hawking Changing O.S. Rebooting In 5 Mins . . . . .Please Wait

Funny story written by Auntie Jean

Monday, 30 June 2014

image for Planets Stand Still - Steven Hawking Changing O.S. Rebooting In 5 Mins . . . . .Please Wait
The moon is brighter

Tidal Waves, Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanic Plasma Flows ravaged the earth at 2.00 am. this morning for 1000th of one second as Steven Hawking changed the O.S. of the solar system from Windows to Mac.

"The changeover went smoothly with minimum publicity to avoid a "Millenium Bug" fiasco", said Steven to our attractive female reporter. (Steven will only talk openly with an attractive female reporter so we had to get one).

Immediately the effect was apparent as the moon looked a lot cleaner. During the early hours of the morning Steven fine tuned the planetary and lunar orbital speeds and synchronised asteroid paths, meteors and Saturn's rings. All values had to be put back the same to prevent paradoxes", he said. "But Mars seems to be missing at the moment and there are three Venuses. When Patrick Moore was alive everything went like clockwork." said a critic.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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