Mother-in-law coming to stay? There's an app for that

Funny story written by IainB

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

image for Mother-in-law coming to stay? There's an app for that
One day, your wife will look like me!

Editor of App World! Max Buck knows all about a mother-in-law coming to stay.

"There's a mixed blessing to being divorced," he said. "On the one hand, I miss my wife. But on the other, I no longer have to see my mother-in-law. My wife did offer me part custody of her mother so that I could get regular updates on my state of dress and hair-loss. I was tempted, I admit, but isn't that what the devil does?"

For this reason, Buck is recommending downloading iMILF, Mother-in-law Farewell.

"It does sound like it has an alternative meaning," said Buck. "And a lot of people will be disappointed when they download it. Until they realise that it is very effective."

The app is a variation on the Quote a Day apps, providing a long list of mother-in-law jokes for use in any situation.

"I like the quick replies to any question," said Buck. "Such as, if you're asked by your wife 'Can my mother come down this weekend?' you can reply 'She's not still on the roof is she?'"

The idea behind the app is that the constant quips, provided by stand-up comedians, alive and dead, from across the world, will drive a mother-in-law away.

"I'd love to have been able to try this app for when my mother-in-law stayed at our house," said Buck. "For example, had I walked into the kitchen to find my mother-in-law trapped in a corner by a huge rat the moment Fraze asked 'What are you going to do about it?' I could have responded: 'Nothing, the rat got itself into this mess'. I'd have been laughing for days. Or if she complained for the hundredth time that the floor needs a sweep, I'd have told that I'd hid the broom since they'd imposed a flight ban on her."

Where the quips fail, the app has a back-up plan.

"It doesn't just generate quips," said Buck. "It also provides an alibi."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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