Stephen King Comes Out of Retirement, Again

Funny story written by UWGB-Beek

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Portland, Maine -- Stephen King is coming out of retirement, again.

"Full Dark, No Stars" is the latest release for King, who announced his retirement from writing in 2002.

"I thought I said it all, but when you are a formualistic writer, well, you can tell it over and over again. Sure, I make a lot of money doing it, but I like the cash." Mr. King said in a Time interview.

"Do I feel like Brett Favre, announcing my retirement and continuing to release book after book? No, because I make my living creating lies, and when I announced my retirement at the age of 54, it was just a joke." Mr. King added.

Mr. King didn't say if he would retire again, but he did hint that it was good for his bottom line if he hinted at retiring again, because he believe his fans just keep sucking up his books when they think it might be his last.

"I can't remember the last good King novel, but I still buy the guys work, because I think it might be better than the last. I just wish he would take up some of his bad habits of his youth, because he was a much better writer when he wasn't trying to be literary." Joe Redd, and King fan, said on a Stephen King chat board.

Mr. King might not need the money, but you wouldn't know that by the amount of books he released since retiring from writing.

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