Willie Jenkins, a cameraman who has worked for several tabloids as a free agent and had moved to a permanent spot on the National Pisser, has lain in wait in a cellar under a popular package store for two weeks waiting to catch any stars coming out carrying the liquor and have a photo that would make his employers proud, plus wealthy.
"I was there to relieve him so he could go take a whiz", stated Larry Voight. "Of course, all the stars would usually be wearing underwear but Jenkins was always hopeful for that one shot."
Voight stated that he saw several people with cameras walk across the graded vent where Jenkins had to shoot through. So he called Willie and yelled, "Here comes one, Willie!"
Willie came out with his pants unzipped and pissing all over his pants leg and grabbed his camera. WHO would it be?
Apparently that was just as actress Kirstie Alley had gone into the store.
"Willie shouted! I GOT ONE! I GOT ONE! OHHH NO!!! That was when he grabbed his chest, dropped his camera and fell to the floor."
Voight stated that he immediately began working on Willie as soon as he quit pissing but that after five minutes Willie had pissed off.
"The photo...I checked it a few hours later, almost did me in as it did poor Willie. I tore the thing up and flushed it before it could do anymore harm."