Amy Winehouse Reveals Roman Polanski's Secret

Funny story written by Bureau

Tuesday, 6 October 2009


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image for Amy Winehouse Reveals Roman Polanski's Secret

Roman Polanski, famous French-Polish film director of such noted movies as "Rosemary's Baby" has had a secret from most people for many years and that secret has been blabbed by none other than singer Amy Winehouse.

In an exclusive interview by the National Inquirer, Ms. Winehouse revealed why Polanski went after the younger girls.

"His penis is the size of a peanut" Winehouse is reported to have stated to the tabloid.

Apparently at a party, Winehouse said she somehow found herself lying outside on the lawn near the pool of someone or other's house.

"I'm not particularly adept at remembering things correctly", she stated, "But this I know is the truth. Mr. Polanski staggered outside to relieve himself into the pool and I couldn't believe my eyes. I rubbed them real hard and then began to laugh."

She stated that he then heard her and finished his whizzing on her head.

"That's why I'm telling you all this."

When asked about this latest revelation, Mr. Polanski stated that he doesn't recall the incident.

"Are you going to believe me, a famous movie director pervert or someone in the class of Amy Pisshouse?"

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