Polanski case takes a twist

Funny story written by whatinthe world

Sunday, 4 October 2009


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Los Angeles, Sunday. The recent arrest and charging of Roman Polanski with underage sex has become even more intriguing with revelations that he was also complicit in John Phillips' incestous behaviour towards his recently confessing daughter.

There has also been a rumour that Polanski was involved when the late Senator Ted Kennedy crashed his car at Chappaquidick in 1970, killing a female passenger. Hollywood insiders believe that Polanski was central to Brooke Shields getting her starring turn in movies when she was young and that Polanski was responsible for Farrah Fawcett becomimg famous.

However, the bombshell revelation of the decade has been that the Polish director signed up to a PONSY scheme with one Bernard Madoff just before Polanski fled the States in 1978. This was Madoff's first commission and set him up for a life of corruption and greed. Polanski ferreted the money off to Jones Town in Guyana, South America and we all know what happened there!

NB Polanski has also been cited as behind the escalation of the Vietnam war and the fall of the Berlin Wall.

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