Kristen Stewart has been having to stop some filming scenes of late to hurry to the bathroom on the run. This has set the tongues to wagging as an inside source repeated what he had been hearing, Monday.
"Several of the ladies say she is pregnant and a couple of actors are giving each other the 'evil eye' but that's all it's come to thus far."
When questioned recently by fans of Twilight, a guy who helps on the sets said that Kristen is not pregnant.
However, by this past Friday, rumors were going hot and heavy.
Finally, Stewart asked for an interview Monday morning.
"I am NOT pregnant, much to the disappointment of many of you I am sure. Go see my doctor in Vancouver and he will confirm it. I gave him my permission."
"I was concerned that I had the H1N1 virus and would have to get off the set for awhile but it was just a bug. As everyone noticed, I did not have to leave the filming episode this morning."
Stewart also related that she had been taking actor friend, George Ashiotis, who is making a brief appearance in the film and who is blind, along with her for "support" as she went to the doc last week.
"On the way back to the set, I got sick again and had to pull over. George asked if I was OK. I told him, yes, that I just got sick to my stomach again. He asked me if I wanted him to drive!"
"George Ashiotis has the greatest sense of humor of anyone I know."