The man who can out-think all liberals with one half of his brain tied behind his back, may have pulled a no-brainer Wednesday when he told his audience that he was not going to "bend over and grab his ankles just because the President happens to be black."
That was all he should have done..TALK! After all he is the #1 rated talk radio host as millions listen to him for five days a week during his three-hour sessions.
However, Limbaugh is also on the "Web Cam" where you can actually see him doing the show.
So when he made the statement about bending over and grabbing his ankles, he actually tried. That was a serious mistake as Limbaugh is pretty porky and thousands of viewers saw him lock up half way down to his ankles.
At least they knew what had happened but complete silence on the radio until a funny Obama spoof began running.
An ambulance was called and finally a "jaws of life" to get Limbaugh out of the studio, because he was completely locked in a bent position and too wide to get out of his studio.
Even the most loyal of his "Ditto Heads" had to fall off their chairs laughing as someone forgot to turn off the Web Cam.
For that matter, even Limbaugh mad as an old wet hen at first, began laughing also.
Limbaugh is doing well a hospital spokesman stated although the position caused his food to back up and so his stomach had to be pumped.
The results: Lots of pizza, meatball remains, prescription medication and nearly two dozen stool softeners.