In what is being greeted as another brilliant marketing ploy,Jade Goody's name will be immortalised in a new line of confectionery the day after she dies.
"C"lebrity Jade's PR team announced, at a press conference yesterday, an exciting new range of Jade Goody products. The announcement came as a shock to gathered reporters as it was called in order to update the press on what exactly Jade's husband, Jack Tweed, meant by his job description of "Trainee Football manager", as reported in "The Son",
The day after Jade's death a strictly limited edition of "Goody Bags" will be available in high end retail outlets like Lidl, Aldi and Half price or less. The bags will have an edible replica of Jade's ashes and will be available in strawberry and lemon flavours.
As well as the "Goody Bags" Mick also confirmed that the Jade Wigs available in Poundland had now sold out and more would be available soon.