HOLLYWOOD - Stacy Keibler has made it quite clear to boyfriend George Clooney that she wants to walk down the aisle and become Mrs. George Clooney before the end of the year.
Clooney, who has been a bachelor longer than David Crosby has been overweight has always prided himself in the fact that he has managed to sidestep the wedding game like Emmitt Smith running down the football field sidestepping defensive backs.
But according to Bedroom Pillow Talk Stacy has got some tricks up her sleeve and is pulling out all of the stops to see that she hears the "Wedding March" and hears it soon.
It's no secret that millions of red blooded American men are wondering what in the world Georgy boy is waiting for.
Stacy possesses everything that any man would want and then some. And on top of being fantastically beautiful and sensuously sexy the long-legged gal can cook.
Miss Keibler has just made headlines as she was intimately photographed exiting out of a Rolls Royce in downtown Tinsel Town.
The lady with the golden smile was wearing an extremely short silver dress that showed her Victoria's Secret pink bikini thong panties.
Preston St. Bolero, with Bedroom Pillow Talk reported that he had never seen so many camera's being snapped in his entire career, even more than when Britney Spears and Paris Hilton had their nether regions photographed by the LaLaLand paparazzi.
SIDENOTE: To view nine extremely intimate photos of the amazingly sexy Stacy Keibler go to www.stacykeiblerwowwowwowie.hot