The Price is Wrong? Allegations of Big Wheel shenanigans suggested by Drew Carey

Funny story written by Spicewood

Saturday, 8 June 2013

At a Congressional hearing today in Washington, D.C. under strong questioning and being faced with irrefutable evidence presented by members, Drew Carey, Host of the television show, The Price Is Right, admitted that the "Wheel" used on the show which determines who is available for grand prizes, is, in fact "rigged."

Drew stated, "I didn't know it was rigged for a long time, Barker never said anything about it, I guess they do it to be politically and ethnically correct. We try to give equal opportunity to all races and colors and creeds, so that's why we do it.

"It's all done upstairs and George Gray the announcer has a lot to do with it too, he's under more pressure than I am.

"He has to select the "right" people to be on the show. I'm glad this finally came out, it really has bothered me.

"Oh and we always did the "double overs" when the show got strapped for money."

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