HOLLYWOOD - The stars of the hit television show The Vampire Diaries have just been signed to star in Durango Grundyweather's hijacking drama motion picture The Trillion Dollar Coins.
The motion picture is being produced by Pipe Dream Films in association with Omnigate Pictures.
The movie is based on the novel by noted Massachusetts author Heathcliff G. Wheatcorner, who last year was voted The Best American Author by the states of Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Mississippi.
The film's award-winning director told Pomona Vox with Silver Screen Showcase Magazine that co-starring along with Somerhalder and Dobrev will be the erotically sexy Scarlett Johansson and the sensuously sexy Stacy Keibler.
Grundyweather did not want to give away too much about the movie, but he did reveal that it will be set in modern day Indianapolis and will be filmed on location in Oxnard, California.
He divulged that Oxnard greatly resembles Indianapolis, except that it does not have a professional NFL team (the Indianapolis Colts), or a professional NBA team (the Indiana Pacers).
In the movie Somerhalder will star as a United States federal coin appraiser Hank Bunkerbocken, and Dobrev will star as his lasciviously gorgeous partner Ambrosia Velvethood.
Bunkerbocken and Velvethood are assigned by the president to find the three dozen trillion dollar coins that were minted in Washington D.C. and were hijacked just outside of Indianapolis as they were being shipped via FedEx to The Ali Baba & The 40 Thieves Hotel and Gambling Casino in Las Vegas.
Scarlett Johansson and Stacy Keibler will portray Jewel Bondbiffy and Trudi Honeyhill, leaders of the notorious Blonde Gals Gang.
SIDENOTE: The movie will be filmed in Smell-O-Vision and with each movie ticket purchased the movie goer will receive a commemorative trillion dollar coin made out of the newly developed, very inexpensive, but astoundingly beautiful AW-16 All-Weather Metal.