Britney Spears Says Her Goal For 2012 Is To Look Like The Ultra Skinny LeAnn Rimes

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Thursday, 12 January 2012

image for Britney Spears Says Her Goal For 2012 Is To Look Like The Ultra Skinny LeAnn Rimes
Britney performing at The Beer Suds Stadium in Milwaukee. (Photo courtesy of Vice-President Joe Biden).

NEW ORLEANS - Britney Spears and her boyfriend Jason Trawick flew down to the Big Easy for some much needed rest and relaxation after she finished her Femme Fatale Al Fresco Concert Tour.

Spears recently spoke with Left Coast Mirror Magazine and stated that she is proud of herself because the lip syncing is all behind her now.

The singer who just turned 30, in December told Tequila Tallyho that she has never felt better about her career and is so excited that she is planning on getting a tattoo that reads Happy Girl.

When Miss Tallyho asked her where on her body it would be located Britney blushed and replied that it was a secret and that only she and her boyfriend would know. She then giggled and added, "And of course the tattoo artist, silly me huh?"

Tallyho who is one of the best investigative reporters in the entertainment business asked Spears if the location was somewhere between her belly button and her knees.

Spears eyes got the size of ping pong balls and remarked, "Now how in the world did you figure out that I was getting the tattoo put on my biscuit (playpen).

"Lucky guess, Brit, lucky guess." Tallyho replied.

Britney was then asked about the word circulating throughout LaLaLand that she had made a rather interesting New Years resolution.

The "Oops!...I Did It Again" girl said that last year her resolution was to not pay attention to the countless cellulite rumors. And that this year she has promised to go on a diet and lose lots and lots of weight.

Tallyho asked her what her goal was. Britney giggled and confessed that she wants to try and look like LeAnn Rimes.

Britney was told that Rimes weighs 63 pounds and resembles a swizzle stick. She rolled her eyes and replied, "Duh, so what the heck is wrong with me wanting to look like a swizzle stick? Would you prefer that I look like a swizzle boulder instead?"

Tallyho asked her what the hell was a swizzle boulder.

Britney shook her head, dabbed at her blonde expanse of hair, and simply replied, "Google it."

January 17 is National Ping Pong Day except in Vermont and Montana.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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