Steven Tyler's Girlfriend Kate Gosselin Denies The Breast Enhancement Rumors

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Wednesday, 7 December 2011


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image for Steven Tyler's Girlfriend Kate Gosselin Denies The Breast Enhancement Rumors
Kate Gosselin's goal is for her family to one day be as popular as the Kardashian Family. (Photo by Rico Chorizo).

HOLLYWOOD HILLS - Kate Gosselin who is still upset about the cancellation of her television show Kate Plus 8 was in Los Angeles visiting Kris Kardashian-Jenner, the mama of the KKK girls Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney.

Gosselin who has now had two of her reality shows cancelled met with Kris to ask her for advice on how to become as successful as her and her family has become.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Kate's first show Jon and Kate Plus 8 was cancelled after Jon started acting like Jesse James and began poking every available skank in sight.]

Kate said that as far as romance goes she has never been happier since hooking up with American Idol judge Steven Tyler.

She remarked that even though everyone calls their relationship a May-December relationship (she's 36, he's 63) Gosselin says that in her eyes it is really more of a September-September relationship.

Kate "The Great" as Tyler calls her said that Steven is such a caring individual that he makes her feel like she's a princess instead of like a joker that so many people make her out to be.

Mrs. Gosselin recently spoke with Vodka Vermicelli of iRumors and told her that "Stevie" has never made any negative comments about any of her physical flaws, personal shortcomings, or negative habits.

She went on to say that she has no idea why in the world he puts up with her roller coaster mood swings, her merry-go-round personality, and her tilt-a-world emotional flair ups.

Miss V asked Kate if the rumors that apparently started in either Sacramento or Bakersfield about her having had breast enhancement surgery were true. Kate blushed and said that she had not heard those rumors.

She smiled and confided that she'd had a tummy tuck, a uvula circumcision, a nipple realignment, and vagina vajazzling but that she'd never had anything done to her gorgeous looking tata's except of course for the usual touching, caressing, and things of a romantic nature.

In other news. December 9, is National Lets Visit A Beaver's Dam Day except in Iowa where there are no beavers and hence no dams.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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