William Hague - My Fake Diary

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

I discussed cash-for-access on ITV's The Agenda with Tom Bradby. Speaking as one of the guests on the programme to be broadcast at 10.35pm tonight, I was asked what £250,000 buys.

I said "Hopefully only the satisfaction of supporting a political party. I don't think you'll get much more than that. If there's one reassuring thing that I can say as somebody who's served in two cabinets is if people think that an individual donor, a rich person, can change a policy by giving money to a party - I haven't ever seen on the inside an example of that!"

Brilliant non-answer eh?

As for Tom Bradby, have you seen the twinkle in his eyes... and what a bulge in his pants too! Phpwer!

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