Russell Brand - My Fake Diary

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Actually, this isn't being written by Russell Brand but by his agent, Allen T. Gunsberg. Mr. Brand isn't allowed near a keyboard. Neither is he allowed to make diary entries, even in a cheap dollar store tablet with a felt pen. He's not allowed to write anything, in fact. Every time Mr. Brand expresses himself he makes a total ass out of himself. Even more disappointing, he's not funny. He's about as funny as a sewer hole cover on a city street in the ghetto. He's about as ugly and as crass as this silly analogy, too. His humor is distorted and one would have to be in an altered reality - perhaps untreated manic depression or paranoid schizophrenia - to understand and appreciate his humor. I'm at wit's end with this con man. And even though he's still rather young, I'm working on getting him into a nursing home.

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