Jedward - My Fake Diary

Friday, 17 March 2023

John: Hey Edward, happy St Patrick's day.

Edward: St Partrick's day?

John: Yes, the day where everything that is Irish is celebrated?

Edward: Are we Irish?

John: Yes, we are.

Edward: Are we celebrated?

John: Not really.

Edward: Ok

John: But a few people bought our album.

Edward: Ironically, or because they liked the music?

John: Probably both.

Edward: So, the music was good?

John: No, I think most people bought our music for the irony.

Edward: Like they did with U2?

John: Yes.

Edward: And Enya?

John: Possibly.

Edward: The Corrs?

John: No, they bought those album because they were three very good
looking women.

Edward: And a brother?

John: Yes, but no one remembered the brother.

Edward: A bit like us?

John: Well we are two brothers Edward.

Edward: Yes, but only one of us was remembered.

John: Probably.

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