HRH Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh - My Fake Diary

Friday, 11 September 2009

Diary- That bastard Gaddafi's got more bloody medals than me!

The khaki, son-of-the-sodding-desert was bloody well dripping with medals, on T.V. last night.

Bugger me! - the lentil munching, puffter, media chappies are always banging on about how many medals I have, but at least I earned mine fair and square.

When I want a new medal I just tell the wife there's no more royal rumpy pumpy until she gives me one.

It makes me so bloody angry when I see these jumped- up foreigners parading their fake medals.

In my day you only got a bloody decoration when you were killed in action!

That's all for bleeding now! - There are fluffy beasties to be killed and foreigners to insult!

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