George W. Bush - My Fake Diary

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Now, Diary, anybody's been paying attention does know what I said.

That is the problem, by the way. Does the American public have attention deficit disorder big time? I ask you. This is what I said: "I was president for eight years, and that was awesome, awesome. It was totally awesome to be the most powerful person in the world!"

I mean, people, hello? My name is George W. Bush? I believe you have heard of me? And don't get it wrong on why I won't be at the GOP presidential convention. And why I'm not right there at the side of those two cotton field hoe hands in the election for president and vice-president right now.

Also, don't pay any attention whatever to the idea I'm afraid to step out of this country and get heckled by people throwing shoes and tomatoes and what not. And get arrested, also, as could happen if for example-God forbid-I went down to Malaysia and those countries. They'd whip me behind bars faster'n you can swing Julian in the wind, if you take my meaning.

Diary? Diary? Are you listening?

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