George W. Bush - My Fake Diary

Thursday, 22 March 2012

March, 2012

Dear Diary,


Osama's cut the Canadatian to the United States oil pipeline plans again.

He just doesn't want us to have cheaper oil or gasoline for out Hummers.

I need a Hummer at our ranch in order to get around the back 80.

The nut thinks we don't care if gas costs $10 a gallon. He wants us to car pool. Well, I can get the whole family AND a pool in my Hummer.

He won't even let us drill for new oil. That's a major sin to a Texan.

I'm gonna call Cheney to see if we can sneak in a pipeline into Wyoming.

If the Mexicans can do it in the South, we can do it in the North.


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