George Osborne - My Fake Diary

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Normally I would not put something like this in my Spoof diary.

But, being as I made a cock-up of coping with the booing for me, I'll pretent I thought this was funny so big-heartedly put it in.

As the Olympic stadium announcer introduced His Right Honourable George Osborne MP (Bringer of Dearth and Despair, to give him his full title) on Monday night for the Paralympic T38 400m race medal presentation, the chancellor's nervous smile gradually morphed into awkward laughter.

As the vast majority of the capacity 80,000 crowd - roughly the population of Wakefield - took part in an ad-hoc opinion poll, roundly booing his appearance, there was little else for him to do short of flipping the bird and slowly circling around.

Unsurprisingly, minimal public sympathy has since emerged for the man spearheading the government's unprecedented attack on the UK's disabled population through its ruthless, hasty changes to disability benefits.

As a couples' counsellor will always tell you, it's important to let someone know how you feel.

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