David Cameron - My Fake Diary

Saturday, 15 September 2012

This was in the press yesterday:

Why Doesn't David Cameron Set Up a Leveson Inquiry for Hillsborough?

After all, it involves the press, the police, a blatant cover-up lasting years, politicians and the establishment actively assisting that cover-up, judges going along with the concealment of the truth, taxpayer funded public services lying, distorting and doctoring evidence... and 96 dead people.

Particularly when it is now clear that 41 of those people might still be alive if the authorities had been more interested that day in saving lives rather than instantly going into rescue mode over their own reputations.

Don't we need to publically and forensically examine and expose just how all those forces combined to both libel and maintain that foul libel for so long against those poor men and women, and the families left behind?

With respect, surely such an Inquiry would be at least as valid as the current Leveson Inquiry into the media which a panicking David Cameron has already spent £5m on to try and protect his own reputation...

Mmmm... well...

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