Carrot Voted As Swedish Ambassador

Funny story written by Roake

Sunday, 12 June 2011


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image for Carrot Voted As Swedish Ambassador
Algot Rikard was runner-up and is furious about not coming first.

The Swedish Parliament has voted for a carrot to be the new Swedish ambassador.

In second and third place were a cat and a Bob Marley CD.

The Swedish Prime Minister said in a press conference that appearances can mislead and that the carrot is experienced in diplomatic affairs and popular in his country.

But the truth is much more serious.

A covered up file from the Swedish government shows that the previous ambassador had sex with the Bolivian President's favourite pig severely damaging Bolivian-Swedish relations.

They hope by voting in an inanimate object it will stop any more hijinks happening.

But this has left a major debate whether Europe should follow suite.

It is well known that the German ambassador was a morphine addict and that the Italian ambassador had no eyes. Both serious factors that could break diplomatic relations with countries.

Having inanimate objects could help them both.

The European parliament is so far undecided on what to do about the situation but whatever the outcome the world of diplomacy will not be the same.

Do you have any ideas about what to do about the future of ambassadors? We would love to hear from you! Contact us at

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