Glen Miller Big Band Pings Reported by Search Ship

Funny story written by Auntie Jean

Monday, 14 April 2014

image for Glen Miller Big Band Pings Reported by Search Ship

The Australian search ship, Gladiolus I has located a "Chattenoga Choo Choo" ping underwater during the MH370 777 search programme. Earlier faint "In the Mood" pings were logged down last Tuesday.

The pings are not thought to have emanated from Glenn Miller's lost plane because that would mean some kind of Bermuda Triangle or Twilight Zone phenomenon had been at work. The pings may have been coming from a diver's radio accidentally knocked into the sea by Les Patterson who was on Crow's Nest duties two weeks ago. A long term fan of Glen Miller, Les said he was listening to "Big Band Parade" while finishing off a quart of Gin, when a large wave washed the waterproof radio overboard.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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