NEW YORK CITY - Donald "Moneybags" Trump, one of the richest persons in America, next to Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, and Charlie "Showless" Sheen recently spoke with retired CNN talk show host Larry King about ways to help the United States try to rise out of it's horrible financial state.
Trump, who also produces three very successful reality programs including Celebrity Apprentice, Hair Stylist To The Stars, and The Real Housewives of Intercourse, Pennsylvania, said that he has been pondering what to do for quite some time now.
He initially thought about buying the entire state of Arizona and then turning around and leasing it to the Republic of Mexico so that they could use it as a place where her citizens could move to in order to get away from the notorious Mexican drug cartels - Yucatan's Green Guacamole Drug Cartel, Tijuana's Pinata De Queso Drug Cartel, and Monterrey's Mariachi Maracas Drug Cartel.
Trump told Larry King that the other day he had lunch with La Toya Jackson who is one of the contestants on this year's Celebrity Apprentice and she suggested an idea that he really liked.
Donald pointed out to King that he was surprised to hear an excellent idea coming out of the mouth of Ms. Jackson which just goes to prove that she is not as dumb as she looks, or at least as dumb as she tries to come off as being.
"The Man With The Hairdo From Hell" said that she ain't no Rhodes Scholar but grinned and said that she ain't no friggin Paris "Dumbass" Hilton either.
Trump said that La Toya told him that he should purchase the White House and then turn around and rent it to the American taxpayers at $1 a month.
Donald loved the idea so much that he told La Toya not to worry because he is going to do his very best not to fire her from his Celebrity Apprentice show no matter what those two bitches Star Jones or Dionne Warwick say.
In other news. Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's 15th book titled, 'The Story of How Uncle Ben's Converted Rice Was Converted' has just been named "The Biggest Selling Book In The History of Lower Zamgola."