Scott Walker Puppet: Finding a bunch of Koch up your Bum

Funny story written by Waskily Wabbit

Saturday, 12 March 2011

When A person puts several ounces of cocaine in a balloon and inserts it in their anus, they are called a mule. When a governor is found to have a major industrial leaders hand stuck so far up his backside as to such attempt to use him as a puppet, he is call a jackass.

Today Scott Walker was rushed into the ER only to have one of the Koch Brothers arms removed surgically in attempt to save face in the Wisconsin republican run majority.

After 8 long hours, Doctors were relieved to report that David Koch's hand was successfully extracted from Scott walkers rectum, but sadly, Scott Walker was indeed a puppet with no real life of his own. Mr. Koch was seen chuckling to himself in pleasure as he gracefully waltzed out of the lobby of the hospital and was escorted home.

The Doctor's confided in Mr. Koch before leaving; stating not "to shake anyone's hand for while" until the stink goes away.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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